
Green - The colour of life !!!

Think of nature and see green in all its glory expressing renewal and life. Green colour is closely associated with meanings of growth, harmony, freshness and environment.

In order to emphasize the importance of green colour and develop cognitive skills, the kindergarten wing of ISS celebrated Green Colour Day on 31-08-2023. The tiny tots, section supervisor Gauri Gadgeel and the kindergarten teachers came to school in pretty green attire and looked eco-friendly.

Focusing on the theme, the little learners were engaged in various class activities. LKG students undertook an activity in which they dipped the vegetables in green paint and imprinted the design on a green head-band. The little toddlers enjoyed the sensory play. UKG students enthusiastically participated in a craft activity where they rolled green colour paper strips step by step to make cute paper caterpillars.

The classrooms and bulletin boards were beautifully decorated in green theme. The section buzzed with creativity at its best. Bubbling with enthusiasm in their astonishing shades of green dresses the little ones created a pleasant, harmonious and refreshing aura. 

It goes without saying that it was indeed a stimulating and thrilling GREEN COLOUR DAY !!!


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